seats in train
epsotech ESG Report 2023 - From Vision to Mission
Welcome to an important moment in epsotech's journey towards sustainability. Our first Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) report is more than just documentation - it is a milestone that demonstrates our commitment to responsible business practices. We've made significant progress in reducing carbon emissions, lowering energy consumption and minimising waste, as well as introducing innovative products for a sustainable future. This report is our promise to you and the environment.
Take a look and see the difference we're making - join us on our green journey.
We think ahead sustainably
As one of the leading manufacturers of engineered polymer sheets in Europe, we take our responsibility towards society and the environment very seriously.
We have identified four central areas for our sustainable actions:
epsotech – made for lightweight components
Our product development focusses on evermore sophisticated formulations for all applications. This, combined with weight reduction and resulting energy efficiencies, allows lower CO2 footprints to be achieved.
One example is our product innovation Railway R6 for seat covers in trains. The new product is manufactured on the basis of polypropylene, which has a particularly low density compared to conventional plastics and thus enables a weight reduction of 30 percent. In a train with 200 seats, for example, this corresponds to a weight reduction of 300 kg – with corresponding advantages in terms of energy consumption.
weight reduction
weight saving
Circular economy
For a closed cycle, we are committed to collect our production-related material rejects along with remnants from further processing of our products and, to re-process them.
Our subsidiary Axipack is also increasingly using materials that are among the most recyclable of their kind – we have launched the ECO range with a 100 per cent recycled content for all types of stationery, promotional communications and labelling applications.
Pilot projects together with customers and industrial partners are one of the drivers of our success – in this way we are testing new sustainable models. For example, in cooperation with the Danish clean-tech producer PLASTIX A/S, we have recycled used fishing nets and ropes from Denmark to reduce marine pollution and prevent further waste.
Energy-efficient production
In addition to material efficiency and in order to further reduce our energy consumption, we develop and implement programs and initiatives on energy saving.
For example, we have invested in to three new production processes in 2019, which will make a significant contribution to our overall energy efficiency. Besides, we are also investing in off-line areas, including LED lighting and less energy-intensive process cooling.
At the Austrian and German site, all products are manufactured using 100% green electricity. The Italian production site in Cuggiono is planning to implement a photovoltaic system, and the UK site in Edinburgh has installed new IE5 motors that reduce energy losses by up to 50 percent and enable significantly lower energy consumption.
Packaging optimisation
We convert all packaging to recyclable material.
We have already significantly reduced our polyethylene film consumption and we work with our customers to collect and reuse pallets.
Our goal is to accelerate progress and outpace current performance in the reuse of recycled materials. We are committed to working towards a more sustainable future for our industry, our customers and our environment.